We ran out of bandwith on this website to put up 2007 holiday pics...so we will be putting another
website together for that reason and future events.
Adopt a Child/Family for the Holidays, began in the holiday season of 1999, that year we helped 432 children and their
families, in 2000 we helped 1745 children and their families.
We work with the elementary schools in Broward County and some in Miami-Dade County, through the Guidance Counselors,
Community liasons, and Social Workers finding children who are in need during the holidays.
Christmas 2001
We then match businesses, individuals, and families who want to help someone during the Holidays (the real Angels) with
the children and their families.
However, though we try there are families that we cannot find sponsors for, so we have Santa Day the weekend before Christmas,
so that the children can visit with Santa and a bag of toys is given to the parents to take home.