Men Are Victims Too
Domestic Violence does not just happen to women. Men can also
be victims of DV. Unlike women, though, many men suffer in silence rather than telling someone of the abuse they are going
through by their spouse, girlfriend, or lover. There are women who abuse the ones they love, through the same means as a male
abuser, with hitting, spitting, kicking, threatening, using the children as leverage, etc.
Men can be treated unfairly
by the police, court systems, friends, and associates because of being involved in Domestic Violence. It is hard to convince
the police or court system that this 6'2" man was beaten up by his 5'2" spouse. In a lot of cases where men are actually the
victims, they get labeled the abuser.
A good person can lose his children, his home, his job, and his money because
of the abuse of a woman. Domestic Violence is sometimes a very tricky call, to say the least. Who is right and who is wrong
sometimes is hard to say.
Domestic Violence in any form is wrong. And for male victims it is even harder. We do not
have the support groups for male victims like we do for female victims. We do not have the shelters needed to house a man
and his children. We do not have the counselors and counseling centers to help the male victim.
I have received many
letters from men who were actually the victims and ended up being treated like an abuser, while their abusive wives walked
away with the kids, the home, the car and everything else.
Domestic Violence destroys lives. It affects everyone. No
one has the right to harm you in any way.
Sharlene's Angels On Earth Inc. is trying to change the laws that govern
the way Domestic Violence is treated. We are trying to make a difference for the victim, whether they be male, female, a child,
or the elderly. We are also looking for men to help us form the nationwide support groups needed and to set up shelters in
their areas for men and their children. We want to network to attorneys willing to get to the bottom of DV in a household
and protect the victim whether it be a woman or a man.
We can make a difference with everyone's help. It is time that
all victims and survivors of Domestic Violence, whether you are female or male, to take a stand and say "Listen to Us.
We are the Victims."